When they tilt their head, it’s like they’re saying, “Wait… what did you just say? Treat? Walk?” And it melts my heart every time.
MidEdu.com Latest Questions
You know that feeling when you just need to run or scream after sitting too long? Same for dogs—it’s their wild energy escape.
Honestly, if I were forced into a bath and soaked, I’d probably do a happy wiggle too! It’s their way of saying, “Finally, I’m free!”
My dog rubs itself fiercely against me after a walk.
Whenever I sit down for a meal, my dog stares at me intensely, almost like they’re trying to hypnotize me into sharing my food. Is this normal behavior, or should I be concerned?
My dog often leans against me while I’m sitting or standing. Is this just for comfort, or does it mean something deeper?
My dog seems to follow me like a shadow—room to room, even the bathroom! Why does my dog do this, and should I be worried?
Sometimes, out of nowhere, my dog starts sprinting around the house like a maniac. It’s funny, but is there a reason for these sudden bursts of energy?
Whenever I speak to my dog, they tilt their head adorably as if they’re trying to understand me. What’s behind this behavior?
Before bedtime or a nap, my dog spins around like a furry tornado. Is this just habit, or does it serve a purpose?